📄️ Manage from Rooms
The Poly Lens Rooms feature allows you to locate and manage your devices by Room.
📄️ Microsoft Teams Room on Windows
A Microsoft Teams Room on Windows (MTRoW) requires a computer device (mini-pc) that all of the peripherals are connected to. The graphic below is a diagram of a simple conference room layout that is organized with a PC in the room that is connected to a monitor, video bar, controller, phone and USB devices. With this configuration, an IT admin and facilities manager can manage the Room without physically checking the Room. Note: To set up a MTRoW requires the Poly Lens Room App.
📄️ Room Details
The Rooms page provides seamless device management and monitoring within Lens Rooms to redefine your Room management experience. With the Side Navigation of your Room Overview will expose your Room detail settings by offering a more user-friendly interface and comprehensive device status enhancements that provide real-time updates on the online, offline status of your devices. Additionally providing information if that Room is in a Meeting or Idle.