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Device Actions

The Actions page allows you to quickly locate Devices or Sites that may require attention. When a Device is Offline, a Software Update available, an event is triggered. Here that information can be filtered, and Devices/Sites located quickly to resolve the issue.


ActionDisplay on Tile
Devices OfflineTile displays the total number of Offline Devices and breaks down that total number into the Number of Models at the Number of Sites.
Updates AvailableTile displays the total number of Updates Available and breaks down that total number into the Number of Models at the Number of Sites.

Each Action tile expands to display all the Actions associated with this Action group. Selecting the Action will open a link to all the associated Device(s), Room(s), or Site(s).


The Actions can be filtered by the Action type, Site, Room, or Device Model with the dropdown list provided for each. This will allow you to focus on a list of Actions that require attention immediately.
Note: You can select more than one Filter option from the dropdown list. Selected items are noted with a checkmark.

Set Custom Notifications

The Set Custom Notifications button sends you directly to the Poly Lens Notification Center, where you can configure notifications to be sent to you regarding Actions. Note: The Notification Center feature requires Poly+. See Notification Center Overview and Premium Poly Lens Features Included with Poly+ Enterprise and Poly+ for detailed information.